There are various types of keys such as primary, foreign, alternate, composite, and surrogate keys. Step 2- Transformation: The major chunk of effort is spent on making keys. Step 1- Extraction: The relevant data is extracted from the source system. ETL has become a global hit especially after the dependence of enterprises to use business intelligence tools to make reports, analyses, and insights. To maintain any e-commerce or digital business, the best way is to store the data in data warehouses which can combine data from various sources and can maintain them in a uniform and compatible structure using ETL, as ETL can make dissimilar data into similar data, this is what is called transformation. More recently, text files, legacy system files, and spreadsheets can also be handled using ETL. The extraction process occurs on an OLTP database, and then the transformation is done to match the schema of the data warehouse. To understand ETL, we need to understand the process of data loading from source to data warehouse. These three operations are performed on data.

Testing in an automated Data Warehouse Project – Maximize the automation-degree by automating test processes in generative data warehouse projects.Data Validation and Quality Monitoring – Continuous validation and monitoring of enterprise data to ensure quality and guarantee error-free usage.

Data Warehouse and ETL/ELT Testing – Automate testing and data validation checks for your data warehouse, data vault and ETL/ELT processes.Data Integration Testing – Seamless quality assurance for data integration processes in development and live environments.